
Wemos mega esp8266 firmware
Wemos mega esp8266 firmware

wemos mega esp8266 firmware

Arduino MEGA (also ESP8266 NodeMcu, Wemos) have a much less compiled firmware and depends of ethernet controller type (ENC28J60,W5100,W5500 for AVR microcontrollers), Real-Time Clock device(DS1307, DS3231) or Serial only support. Each firmware has detailed info what type of I/O is supported. Arduino UNO and NANO have limited flash and RAM memory and because of that, there is a much more firmware for these devices with different configurations. The software send array of data, store data in EEPROM and decode at Arduino initialization according to uploaded firmware.

wemos mega esp8266 firmware

ACC also have built in firmware uploader, so you don't need to have installed Arduino IDE.

wemos mega esp8266 firmware

ACC package has already defined firmware (Arduino compiled sketch) with support for different types of the boards(AVR,ESP8266), sensors, ethernet(network) controllers, Real-Time clock(RTC) devices, timers and counters.

Wemos mega esp8266 firmware